In the mid 1980s this author wrote an article entitled The Demise of Formalism. It was about Mathematics and the work of contributors like Gödel and Turing, who had proved that Hilbert’s conception of the nature of Mathematics was incorrect, and it was neither complete nor coherent, or even entirely consistent, as he had asserted. But that was then!
The content at that time only addressed the discipline of Mathematics and nothing beyond that. After a further 25 years since then many new ideas have been developed, which take the area involved well beyond Mathematics alone, and well into Philosophy in general. The most obvious extensions were, as you might imagine, in the ideas involved in Formal Logic, and, of course, then into all disciplines which use Formal Logic as their “banker technique”. Even further it had become more and more clear that the techniques involved had very limited areas of application, and in particular excluded all disciplines which involved significant Qualitative Change, and most especially in those interludes in development which were covered by the revolutionary Events termed Emergences. To be able to tackle THE most essential areas of Reality just had to involve these crucial Events, for otherwise they would only be addressing entities and relations embedded in totally stable periods. Science would then be limited to the study of what was possible within Stability. Ideas such as the Origin of Life on Earth as well as its subsequent Evolution would be left out of the areas for study, and it soon became clear that the development of Planet Earth itself, not to mention the Cosmos, were also evolving systems and had to have their Emergences too.
Now these Events are remarkable interludes involved concentrated avalanches of Change, and each one, on completion produces its own entirely New Level, containing entirely new entities, properties, relations and indeed processes. To make matters worse, it had also become clear that the methods universally used in the Sciences up to now were totally inadequate to such cataclysms of Change within Emergences. Indeed, the nature of any Emergence could NOT be derived from knowledge of prior conditions, no matter how full they were. Nothing could be predicted from before the crucial Event that would pertain after the Event!
Now though these features seemed to make this an impossible area to study, such Emergences had been identified as such in the past, and the touchstone and template for such Revolutions had to be the First Appearance of Life on Earth. In addition, once recognised and described, these Events seemed to be cropping up everywhere, from interludes within the development of the Cosmos, to the emergence of Human Consciousness in Man.
By October 2007, the research of this author had reached the stage where another, much wider Demise of Formalism was necessary, and this is it! But what is included here was by no means the last word in this area, which by October 2009 had resulted in the publication (in SHAPE on-line Journal) of The Theory of Emergences. This paper can be seen as the immediate precursor to that Theory, and as such, several important differences will be evident between the two. |
1.The usual methods of reasoning are crucially compromised by their basis in Formal Logic, and to address these factors must be our primary goal in thois paper
2.Formal Logic is ideal for dealing with immutables – things which do not qualitatively change – i.e. become something else! The famed Identity relation A = A tells all. It is the Unity of Formal Logic.
3.The case of “opposites” is considered, and dismissed as a simplification. Yet it is a tenet of Formal Logic!
4.Similarly, the even more basic case of “contradiction” is also considered, for when it occurs, it is supposed to demolish all such errors as untenable in Formal Logic. Yet once again, it is yet another simplification. Contradictions actually abound in the real world, but are prohibited in Formal Logic as impossible!
5.When brining in Reality as it actually exists, we see first that Formal Logic is only applicable in Local Systems, and secondly, that it is also only true over Limited Periods of Time as well.
6.The assumption that Absolute Truth is obtainable (it is the foundation of Mathematics), is rejected as a false premise too |