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Issue 53 of SHAPE journal articles on emergence and the study of reality

The Team

Jim Schofield - Author / Editor

Physicist, Philosopher, Marxist, Multimedia Expert, Mathematician, Author, Sculptor.

Dr. Peter Mothersole -
Advisor / Editor

Senior Lecturer in Computing, Physicist, Photographer, Constructivist, Software Developer, Philosopher.

Mick Schofield -
Art Director / Editor

Writer, Researcher, Photographer, Artist, Designer

Issue 53
Real Emergence

Emergence & Collective Organisational Principles

How Order Arises

Mathematical Chaos or Real Emergence?

Why Does Dialectics Emerge and Consequently Affect The Origin of Life on Earth?

Real Transforming Development

Unacknowledged Philosophical Bases I-II


The Generation of Opposites in Abstraction

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Welcome to the 53rd Issue of the SHAPE Journal.

There are many different definitions and uses of the concept of Emergence - but surely the most important are those crucial events when something unpredicatble, and completely new changes the game forever - a revolution such as the origin of life on Earth.

When the complexity of Reality is studied taking into account all phases from the beginning of the Universe (if such can be conceived of), then many new, innovatory Levels will be shown to have emerged at many different times, which also changed the whole environment. New forms of matter successively emerged from the basic resource of Hydrogen, and doubtless before that the same could be said of pre-Hydrogen forms. From this it is clear that Matter itself has developed, and emergent Levels (in my definition) have proliferated throughout this history, each one significantly changing the environment and changing its potentials.

So, the emergence of Life is only one of many emergent Levels before and since.

How can we characterise this sort of Emergence?

Jim Schofield
OCT 2017