The Team
Jim Schofield - Author / Editor
Physicist, Philosopher, Marxist, Multimedia Expert, Mathematician, Author, Sculptor.
Dr. Peter Mothersole - Advisor / Editor
Senior Lecturer in Computing, Physicist, Photographer, Constructivist, Software Developer, Philosopher.
Dr. Mick Schofield - Art Director / Editor
Writer, Researcher, Photographer, Artist, Designer |
Issue 71
Cycles II
Circles into Helices into Spirals:
The Evolution of Circular Processes
Cycles I - VI
The Dialectical Trajectory of Cosmological Development and its Philosophical Bases
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Welcome to Issue 71 of SHAPE Journal, the second installment in a collection of essays by philosopher Jim Schofield on the importance of studying cycles.
In this collection the essays themselves are cyclic, returning to themes in a series of iterations, attempting to home in on their importance in natural systems, evolution and in the Dialectical method itself.
You can read the first part here.
Mick Schofield