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Special Issue 43 of SHAPE journal articles on magnetism and electrical charge

The Team

Jim Schofield - Editor

Physicist, Philosopher, Marxist, Multimedia Expert, Mathematician, Author, Sculptor.

Dr. Peter Mothersole -

Senior Lecturer in Computing, Physicist, Photographer, Constructivist, Software Developer, Philosopher.

Mick Schofield -
Art Director

Graphic Designer, Writer, Photographer, Music Producer,
Digital Artist, Webmaster

SHAPE Special Issue 43

Charge + Magnetism I

What is Charge?
Field-producing Substrate
Magnetic Effects +
Orbiting Electrons

Dichotomous Physical Abstractions
Radically Changing Course

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Welcome to the 42nd Special Issue of the SHAPE Journal this time on Magnetism. These papers comprise the current work-in-progress, by this theorist, upon an as yet incomplete attempt to explain these crucial properties of Matter.

Many would consider that such a project was completed long, long ago, and could certainly point to a host of achievements in this area, with literally centuries of brilliant experiments, explanations and formulae to show for those efforts. But, these are technological gains, rather than any demonstration of intrinsic understanding, so the process is far from complete.

In addition, a very different philosophical stance is involved in this endeavour, moving theory away from primarily formulae-and-use, and, instead, attempting to investigate the true causal Nature of Matter itself, via a holistic and wholly materialist approach.

And, such objectives ensure that what is achieved in these papers will certainly be superseded: they are not, and cannot be, the last word on such a theoretically revolutionary approach.

Nevertheless, these initial musings, in a wholly new direction, certainly need to be out there. For, currently, many diverse groups, and even more individuals, are struggling to explain this crucial area, all of whom are convinced that the current consensus on these matters, especially at the Sub Atomic level, is totally wrong. Yet, they are all struggling, in the main, with a theoretical inheritance that actually prevents a breakthrough, and hence is delivering no chance of an integration of many valuable aspects, into a consistent, coherent and comprehensive overall Theory.

So, these papers are a relatively, wide-ranging set of thoughts about what this theorist believes are the key problems. And, they are not what is usually considered!

Primarily, it is the Philosophy of the scientists involved that is considered to be significantly at fault, so that without substantial improvements there, no real and profound contributions will be possible - no common ground available to enable an overall integration!

Here, I hope, will be some of the necessary, and currently missing, ideas that will lead to this objective.

Jim Schofield
JUNE 2016