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Special Issue 61 of SHAPE journal looks at Redshift and Substrate Theory

The Team

Jim Schofield - Author / Editor

Physicist, Philosopher, Marxist, Multimedia Expert, Mathematician, Author, Sculptor.

Dr. Peter Mothersole -
Advisor / Editor

Senior Lecturer in Computing, Physicist, Photographer, Constructivist, Software Developer, Philosopher.

Mick Schofield -
Art Director / Editor

Writer, Researcher, Photographer, Artist, Designer

Special Issue 61
Questioning Redshift

The Evolution of the Cosmos
and the Universal Substrate:

Part I: The Significance of the Redshift
Part II: The Origin of the Redshift
Part III: Where Does Redshift Act?

A Muse Upon Halton Arp’s Intrinic Redshift

A Muse Upon Substrate Effects
on Redshifts Parts I & II

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Welcome to Special Issue 61 of the SHAPE Journal, which re-examines some of the problems and assumptions of Redshift in light of recent developments in Substrate Theory. If Redshift is not what Physicists say it is, the whole edifice of modern Cosmology and Astrophysics comes tumbling down - the Universe isn't expaning, there wasn't a Big Bang, etc. etc.

The problem of cosmological Redshift could be linked to the evolution of the cosmos as a whole, as well as that of individual new galaxies, and, most particularly, with the latter. For, the evidence of redshift associated with these distant entities gathered by Halton Arp, cannot be explained in the usual way, because these are also intrinsically associated with “more-recently-created” dwarf Galaxies or Quasars. With various series of these, and each set presumably coming directly from a single source, Arp surprisingly found that their amounts of redshift appeared to be quantised.

Now, it could not be said that he purposely selected-out a subset of such entities from a diverse, non-conforming collection - Universe-wide, just to support his invented thesis, because they don’t do that at all! But, such evidence, also, does not gel with the usual consensus explanations of redshift either.

But they might gel very well indeed with the alternative explanation of Quantization developed in this journal, dependant upon the assumed presence of a Universal Substrate, and its consequent evolution, as an intrinsic part of the Evolution of the Universe as a whole!

Jim Schofield